RSC Development League Season 21 Championship

Development League has Champions now! Competing in any Dev League matches during the season gives you an entry into the end-of-season Invitational Championship match. This match will take the best 6 people from each tier and put them head to head in a final BO3 showdown to claim the trophy and earn permanent bragging rights as the "Best Free Agent in RSC".

Eligibility and Invitations

This Championship match is open to ALL active RSC players in a given season. If you've played in any Dev League matches, you've already earned a chance for glory!

  • 1 Point is earned for each Dev League match you play in.
  • 0.5 Points for every game win.

For example, if tehblister plays in Dev League Match Day 1 in Elite, he automatically earns 1 Point for getting placed on a roster. If he wins all four matches of the night, he'll earn an additional 2 Points (0.5 * 4).

At the end of the season, we'll invite players to a (hopefully) streamed Championship Invitational Match in the order of the total number of points they've won.

S21 Leaderboard


  1. Hirsch - 10.5
  2. LikeWisse - 7.5
  3. DoorTK - 7
  4. Poptart Pounder - 7
  5. Prem MVP Snack Time! - 6.5
  6. Plasma - 5
  7. ha ha boo_diyos - 4.5
  8. gumwee wigglebean - 4.5
  9. RaunchyRomanian - 4.5
  10. DJDancingDuckGif - 4.5


  1. Arunos - 10.5
  2. Fused Gavin - 9.5
  3. ByuN - 8.5
  4. Ritter - 6
  5. donweewigglebean - 5
  6. A Yapping Panda - 4.5
  7. Remy.pi - 3
  8. (P|F)ineapple - 3
  9. Axlos (Goofy and Silly) - 2.5
  10. JSKN - 2.5


  1. code - 11
  2. Dr. Cereal - 8.5
  3. I like bananas - 8.5
  4. wntr - 8
  5. speed_demon1215 - 7.5
  6. Jay_Kay99 - 7.5
  7. Kaeso Clarus - 6
  8. Squashy - 5.5
  9. n0maa - 5.5
  10. danub - 5


  1. WTRDragon_ - 10
  2. Yurrbo? - 9.5
  3. zippythegnome - 8
  4. Merioch - 7
  5. mxWEBBY - 6.5
  6. Des. - 3.5
  7. Lucas - 3.5
  8. mogulmaniac5480 - 3
  9. dinnindu - 3
  10. Mai - 2.5


  1. Jmh187- - 9
  2. Lilbonesama - 8.5
  3. Zonekiller. - 8.5
  4. Napkhan - 8.5
  5. Jarrod81535 - 7.5
  6. Razalgould - 7
  7. Thunderbolt - 7
  8. Lorak - 6.5
  9. Dayz - 6.5
  10. Fyooze - 6


  1. OvrSizedFrog - 9
  2. tepochtli1331 - 9
  3. K.Doughboy - 6.5
  4. birdterd999 - 5
  5. Trios - 4.5
  6. SqueezySponge - 4
  7. Theman - 4
  8. nate - 3.5
  9. YadiCraft - 3
  10. Cody-Xero - 2.5


  1. demonikgoat4061 - 10
  2. 7aco104 - 9
  3. KittyMeowMeow360 - 8.5
  4. XxExGENxX - 8.5
  5. MrAnderpants - 6.5
  6. Darth Nefaris - 5
  7. Manimal0731 - 5
  8. N0MrThomasMN - 4.5
  9. Russ - 3
  10. Casca757 - 3